Friday 3 January 2014

Embroidered cards

I have always enjoyed embroidery and love experimenting with different stitches in order to create something beautiful. I had fun embroidering my magic faraway tree which I described in my last post yesterday and have received a book through the post today called 'The Stitching Book' which I bought in the sales which has really excited me and encouraged me to try out more techniques.

I also love the idea of being able to stitch onto card and have done a few in the past for friends' birthdays such as a heart cut out of an old map which I stitched onto a card and some other hearts which I cut out of wallpaper samples and sewed extra button embellishments on too.

I have just been searching on Etsy and have found some beautiful examples of embroidery on cards which I want to try and take inspiration from.

The first is by Skrynka hand embroidery ( and I love the way she has stitched along the beautiful lettering to create this card

The second is this beautiful embroidered flower arrangement which is so detailed, yet the card is still so pristine 
I feel really excited about giving it a go myself and will post a picture of the result when I have!

January 3rd 2014

Yesterday I begun work on making my first hand embroidery and applique design . I have taken inspiration from one of my favorite books as a child which was 'The Magic Faraway Tree' by Enid Blyton and hope to represent the feeling of grandeur I still get to this day when staring up into the trees combined with the magical beauty that the book creates. I want to combine this my love of delicate florals and applique animal patterns using high quality materials to make a make-up bag that can be cherished.
I hope to finish work on the design today and will upload a picture of it when the bag is completed :) 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

My first post

My name’s Becky and as it’s the first day of 2014 I have decided to begin to write my blog. I love all things crafty, particularly needle felting and cross stitch and I am crazy about bunnies- I have bunny jewellery, woolly jumpers with pictures of bunnies on and best of all my housebunny Sooty.

I am hoping to set up an online shop to sell the handmade items that me and my best friend Briony make from our home in Birmingham and am trying to work our which selling platform is the best for us. I’ve heard of Etsy, Folksy and Giggling Hedgehogs but am not sure which one I should open my shop with so if anyone has any advice I’d really appreciate it.

I am 20 and live with my best friend Briony (22) in a 2 bedroom flat in Birmingham with our bunny. Although his name is Sooty, he is very rarely called this. As he is our baby we refer to him as ‘the baby’ with me being his ‘Mummy Becky’ and Briony his ‘Mama Bee’. Anyone who has a bunny will know how cheeky they are and we often find the baby nibbling at our handcrafted cards and patterns that we have spent ages working on, or chewing on the laptop charger so we can no longer connect with the outside world! However, his cute little face and little bunny licks outweigh these flaws and we have him loose in the flat most of the time, sitting on his favourite chair and doing bunny hops around the lounge

I am hoping to use this blog to talk about my current craft projects and to do weekly tutorials to show how to make things. I love buying from charity shops as you get the best finds there- vintage materials, boxes and plates are at the top of my list as I’m a huge fan of upcycling.

I also believe it’s really important to give to charity, and doing so makes you feel good. On Tuesdays I am hoping to write a post every week to say what we have done for charity this week and to suggest ideas to those looking to help but are not sure how to (particularly if there’s a way you can help craftily)

Thanks for reading – hope you’ll come back and read more about my crafty ventures and what my cute little bunny has been up to
